Today’s post is for freelance writers or any writer toying with the idea of being one. When I left my day job for the exciting and sometimes terrifying world of freelance writing, I scoured the internet for information on how to make a living at this crazy career.
I came across some great free sites, like Freedom with Writing and Writer in Charge, which periodically send me lists of paying markets for writers. Then I found Carol Tice’s blog, Make a Living Writing, which led me in turn to her Freelance Writers Den. My timing, as it turned out, was perfect. The Den is only open intermittently, and I happened to stumble across it at a time when it was actually open. So I looked around and decided to take the leap.
The Freelance Writers Den is a paid membership site. I actually joined several memberships sites around that time. Freelance Writers Den is the only one I kept. For $25 a month, you get unlimited access to it, which includes a ton of training, a resource library, a forum, and a free job board (with all the low-paying, bottom-of-the-barrel offers removed). You get access to boot camps and courses on everything from how to write effective copy to how to build an author website. Seriously. This is good stuff. The training alone is worth the membership fee.
I have a brief write-up about it my Money for Writers page, along with a link to the site itself so you can learn more.
UPDATE: When I wrote this, the Den was open. But even if you see this after it closes, you can still go there and get on the waiting list. While you’re waiting, read the Make a Living Writing blog posts. There’s plenty of good stuff there to keep you occupied while you wait.